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First person to get 20,000 retweets about my candidacy can have any bill they want presented to congress.
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June 24th 5:00pm
Rumors swirl that Jeb and Hilary are planning a pie-eating competition. Anna says this idea is tone deaf. She also asserts they are just taking her good idea and making it a bad one. Imagine what they'll do as president.
June 24, 9:10 AM
Times reports Anna's war chest is a replica of One-Eyed Willy's treasure chest from the classic American movie Goonies. No one knows yet if there is any campaign money in it.
June 23, 9:00am
Anna asserts no other candidate can match her strength and practicality.
She challenges all other primary presidential candidates from all parties (D, R, G,. L, I, etc) to a typing and push-up contest.
June 22 3pm
Anna announces she's running for President of the U.S. of A.
July 4th, 3:00 PM
Independence Day BBQ in Independence, MO.
August 7th, 12:30 PM
Atheist and Fundementalist Hootenanny. On my lunch break at my temp job. Location TBD
September 7, 11:00 AM
Anna unvails her Labor Day Jobs Program. -- spoiler alert she plans to keep Labor Day a national holiday.
October 22nd, 2:00 PM
Anna R. Key arm wrestles candidate Bernie Sanders on the banks of the Rio Grande
November 11, 5:00 PM
Community Coffee
December 15th , 1:00 PM
New England annual Winter Bitching.